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SEM stubs all brands

Micro to Nano SEM specimen stubs are available for all leading brands of SEM and FIB.

Each type of stub has:

  • A wide selection of platform sizes to accommodate different specimen sizes
  • Available with 45°, 45/90° and double 90° pre-tilt
  • Our stubs are made from vacuum grade aluminium 
  • Machined according to the original manufacturer’s specifications and dimensions

The four major types of SEM specimen stub are:

Standard pin stubs with 9.5mm pin length for FEI, Philips, Tescan, Phenom, Cambridge, Zeiss and CamScan

Short pin Zeiss stubs with 6mm length for Zeiss and LEO SEMs

JEOL cylinder stubs for JEOL SEMs 

Hitachi M4 cylinder stubs with an M4 threaded hole in the base

SEM  stub adaptors:

Our wide range of SEM stub adaptors enable the use of one type of SEM specimen stub across different SEM platforms: