WesternBright ECL Spray

SKU: K-12049-D50 Categories: , Tag:

Convenient spray HRP subtrate


The best choice for routine, film-imaged Western blots

Easy to use – just point and spray. No measuring or mixing required
Stronger signal than Amersham™ ECL or Pierce™ ECL
Sensitive – detect low pg protein amounts
Save – use up to ten-times less antibody

WesternBright ECL Spray provides both components of WesternBright ECL in a convenient, easy-to-use spray bottle. Just point and spray the blot, with no need to measure or mix the components. Save time, and save money by reducing consumption of consumables such as tubes and pipette tips.

WesternBright ECL is a horseradish peroxidase substrate optimized for chemiluminescent Western blots imaged using X-ray film. WesternBright ECL requires as little as ten times less antibody than other substrates, allowing you to save precious antibodies and samples. Additionally, the WesternBright ECL signal is long lasting, allowing multiple exposures to be carried out without substantial signal decay.